Things you can do for exercise that’s not normal exercising

senior woman exercising with a hula hoop

Next time you have to do your groceries and think about ordering online, resist that urge and go to the grocery shop in person. You don’t need to pick the one closest to you, go to a back corner near your home and walk into it. By doing your shopping in person you will save yourself some money as well as knock out some micro activity like walking that has a major impact on your overall health.

Yoga is great way exercise

Yoga is a great way to get exercise. It’s good for flexibility and strength, as well as balance, mental health, and stress relief. Yoga can help with depression and anxiety too.

Yoga involves holding poses for a period of time (hence the names ‘stretching’ or ‘balancing’). It also involves breathing exercises called pranayama. This help relaxes your body and mind, so you can focus on the exercises you are doing at that moment without worrying about anything else going on around you.

Go to the beach

A beach is a great place to be for exercise, even if you’re just going for a walk or relaxing by the water. There are plenty of things that you can do at the beach that aren’t normal exercises, but they’re still good for you.

Play in the sand: Getting down on your hands and knees, play with the sand as your child would. You may not be able to get back up easily (which is why I always bring water with me), but its fun.

Play in the water: Just walk into the ocean until it covers your waist, then swim around as much as possible before getting out again. You can also do face dives into shallow pools or puddles if you don’t want to go.

Swimming is low impact exercise

Swimming is a great way to get exercise if you have joint pain. It’s also a low-impact activity, which means swimming can help with back problems and other injuries that limit your mobility. If you like being in the water, swimming will give your body a full-body workout and can help reduce stress.

Play sports

Playing sports is one of the best ways to get exercise and have fun doing it. If you want to play sports, there are lots of options for you. You can play sports with your friends, family or by yourself. If you don’t live close enough to other people to play a sport with them, then you can still try playing some games solo. There are so many different kinds of sports everyone should find something they like no matter what kind of person they are. For example: Baseball, basketball, etc.

Here is good source for calories burned.


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